Contact is stuck in pending
Today I installed friendica through yunohost (now 2023.03-dev). When adding a contact, it is normal if the contact does not need to manually approve the follow request.
However, when the contact needs to manually approve the follow request, even if the contact approves it, this contact is still shown in Contact - Pending.
I tested this with my other accounts (Mastodon / Friendica). How can I solve this problem? Thank you!
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Friendica Support reshared this.
Maybe a new install friendica site just needs more time to finish some work before everything ready.
I will do more tests in the next days😀
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Friendica 2022.12 released
We are very happy to announce the avail-ability of the new stable version of Friendica. Wrapping up the sprint from the 2022.10 release of Friendica we closed 73 filed issues and had almost 300 pull requests by 19 contributors.
A special thanks goes out to Christian Pöschl from usd AG and Matthias Moritz who have found a CSRF- and XSS-attack, that is fixed with this release.
In addition to fixing this bug, the highlights of the changes since the 2022.10 release are
- The default theme of Friendica (frio) got many improvements and some old themes got deprecated.
- The calendar saw some improvements and can now be made visible to anonymous visitors.
- The homepage mentioned on the user profile is now automatically verified via the rel-me backlink.
- Images attached to a posting are now shown in a grid at the bottom of the posting.
- A moderation corner was established from the admin panel where a future release will add more moderation tool and bundle them with the current once.
For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.
Since version 2022.06 the lowest required PHP version Friendica needed on the server was raised to PHP 7.3 and PHP 8.0 is supported.
What is Friendica
Friendica is a decentralized communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Twitter.
How to Update
Updating from old Friendica versions
If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.06 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.
Pre-Update Procedures
Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.
Using Git
Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the stable
branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2022.12 release would be
cd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch than the stable
one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.
Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.
Using the Archive Files
If you had downloaded the source files in an archive file (tar.gz) please download the current version of the archive from friendica-full-2022.12.tar.gz (sha256) and friendica-addons 2022.12.tar.gz (sha256)) and unpack it on your local computer.
As many files got deleted or moved around, please upload the unpacked files to a new directory on your server (say friendica_new
) and copy over your existing configuration (config/local.config.php
and config/addon.config.php
) and .htaccess
files. Afterwards rename your current Friendica directory (e.g. friendica) to friendica_old
and friendica_new
to friendica
The files of the dependencies are included in the archive (make sure you are using the friendica-full-2022.12 archive), so you don’t have to worry about them.
Post Update Tasks
The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.
Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database.
Known Issues
Regarding the update process none as of writing.
How to Contribute
If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.
Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.
Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible and have fun!
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file, yes.
CEF Detector - 你的电脑上共有几个 Chromium 内核的应用? - 小众软件
CEF Detector 是一款颇具喜感的 Windows 工具,它能够扫描出你的电脑上共有几个 Chromium 内核的应用,并配以喜庆的 BGM(背景音乐),必须安装 Everything 才能使用。@Appinn青小蛙 (小众软件)
Pen² L reshared this.…
Pen² L reshared this.
Is there a way to not show reshare? Both Pleroma and streams already support this. Thanks!
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
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Zlib事件 “责任全在TikTok”后续。
10月8日,美国作协(Authors Guild)向美国贸易代表办公室发了信,对Libgen和Z-Library召唤铁拳。文件可以在政府网站下载…
其中一位名叫 Sarina Bowen 的作者说:
> “Z-Library在断我们生路。一本早晨才出的书中午时间就上了Z-library,我所有的书都在上面了 … 伤害我们的不仅是这个网站,还有这个网站持续出现在Tiktok视频上这件事。”
“a group of romance writers”说
> “… Zlibrary多年来一直是个麻烦,之所以2021年尤为糟糕,是因为TikTok在其中煽风点火。每个月我们都看到新的TikTok视频说: “Never pay for another book! Find them here on Zlibrary.”浏览量数十万。过去我们至少可以让Google撤下搜索词条 … 当TikTok变成Zlibrary的免费宣传版时,我们彻底没办法了 … Zlibrary可能真的会让我们崩溃。”
从GoodReads资料来看,作者Sarina Bowen主要写言情小说和YA,这两类书籍也是一般TikTok用户会关注的图书类别 (你不会觉得搞学术的会从短视频网站找资源吧)。她的书多数是self-publishing,不存在那些反版权人士所谓拿走了多数利益的”资本”“大出版商”的介入。
r/zlibrary - No one wants to buy her stupid books, so she blamed Z Library...
600 votes and 129 comments so far on Redditreddit
Pen² L likes this.
Friendica 2022.10 released
It took a bit longer then expected, but we are very happy to announce the avail-ability of the new stable version of Friendica the “Giant Rhubarb” 2022.10.
Kudos to everyone who made this release possible by their contributions!
In addition to fixing bugs and improving the performance of Friendica, the highlights of the changes since the 2022.06 release are
- the Gàidhlig translation was added to the repository, thanks to the work of @gunchleoc,
- node admins using relays can now configure languages of postings arriving over the relay that should be discarded automatically,
- the 2FA login has been reworked, and
- it was discovered that using the Blowfish algorithm is implying a password length limit of 72 characters. Should you use a longer password, this will be transparently dealt with upon your next login.
For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.
Since version 2022.06 the lowest required PHP version Friendica needs on the server was raised to PHP 7.3 and PHP 8.0 is supported.
What is Friendica
Friendica is a decentralised communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Twitter.
How to Update
Updating from old Friendica versions
If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.06 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.
Pre-Update Procedures
Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.
Using Git
Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the stable
branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2022.10 release would be
cd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch then the stable
one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.
Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.
Using the Archive Files
If you had downloaded the source files in an archive file (tar.gz) please download the current version of the archive from friendica-full-2022.10.tar.gz (sha256) and friendica-addons 2022.10.tar.gz) and unpack it on your local computer.
As many files got deleted or moved around, please upload the unpacked files to a new directory on your server (say friendica_new
) and copy over your existing configuration (config/local.config.php
and config/addon.config.php
) and .htaccess
files. Afterwards rename your current Friendica directory (e.g. friendica) to friendica_old
and friendica_new
to friendica
The files of the dependencies are included in the archive (make sure you are using the friendica-full-2022.10 archive), so you don’t have to worry about them.
Post Update Tasks
The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.
Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database.
Known Issues
Regarding the update process none as of writing.
How to Contribute
If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.
Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.
Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible and have fun!
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node admins using relays can now configure languages of postings arriving over the relay that should be discarded automatically
This is not exposed to administrator settings in frontend, is it? Was trying to find it but no success in my "Administrator" settings.
and the expected key is described in static/defaults.config.php
.Schmaker likes this.
How can I remove tag in a post?
@Friendica Support
When I publish this post (link) I used the tag "ikura". Then I wanted to change the tag to "幾田りら". So I edited and saved the post. However, the post now has two tags, and the old tag "ikura" is still there.
I tried to edit the post again, but just can't find a way to remove the old tag. It just didn't exist in the post.
I wonder if there is any way to remove the unused tag? Thank you!
Friendica Support reshared this.
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Broken, forbidden, and inaccessible project links.
tallship wrote the following post Wed, 14 Sep 2022 10:51:33 +0200 *Broken, forbidden, and inaccessible project
subway tooter:☆☆☆☆
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Hashtag following has been merged into the upcoming version of Mastodon, and will be available on all servers at the next update.
It's already available on some servers such as and
Elsewhere on the Fediverse, Friendica has already had hashtag following for years now, across all servers.
Whichever platform you're using, it works the same way:
1. Log in through the website
2. Search for a hashtag
3. Click the follow logo (or + sign) in the top right corner of the results
You will then see posts with that hashtag in your normal timeline even if you don't follow the account posting it. Note that it only shows posts published after the follow happened, so you may not see tagged posts in your timeline immediately.
This only works with posts visible to your server anyway, it won't pull posts in just on the basis of the tag. It's effectively a filter of the Federated timeline.
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本文使用CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0进行授权。
在这里写个简单的教程,参考YunoHost官方文档,主要面向像我一样的真正零基础小白,如有错漏请轻拍……T T
顺便贴个官方在Fediverse的账号:@[email protected]
前期准备- 安装了Debian 11及以上系统的Linux服务器;
- 域名;
- 可以简单阅读英语的能力(非必需,可用软件补充,但机翻或许会造成一定程度上的偏差,还是自己懂比较好!);
- SSH软件,我用的是Putty,其他也可以,有兴趣自行了解。
详细步骤1. 在服务器提供商处安装Debian 11或以上版本的操作系统,取得公网IP、SSH端口(通常为22,部分服务商会有特殊设置)及初始ROOT密码。
2. 在SSH软件中设置IP及端口号,连接后以“root”用户登陆,输入初始ROOT密码。在这里可以改一下初始密码,命令是passwd
3. 运行yunohost安装脚本
curl | bash
apt install curl
4. 在SSH软件中一路确认,安装好后在浏览器输入服务器公网IP访问管理面板。
5. 在这里会提示设定管理面板密码和绑定面板域名。这里不建议绑定自己的域名,可以用YunoHost官方提供的免费二级域名。如果要绑定自己的域名也不要绑定预留给应用的域名!否则安装应用时会提示域名已被占用。
6. (可选)进入Tools→Web-admin settings,在Language处修改为“简化字”。YunoHost的中文翻译有些蛋疼,不过聊胜于无吧。
7. 在DNS服务提供商处为想使用的域名增加A记录,指向服务器IP。
8. 进入YunoHost管理面板,进入“域”,选择“添加域”→“我已经有一个域名”→输入已经指定了A记录的域名→“添加”
9. 在“域”界面选择已添加的域名,在“管理SSL证书“处申请一个Let's Encrypt证书。
10. 进入“应用程序”,选择“安装”,搜索想安装的程序,在“选择应安装此应用程序的域”处选择添加好的域名,等待安装完成。
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