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in reply to Hubzilla Support Forum

Hi Kristian, this function does not existed jet in HZ - but in streams ... so it will be ported some day hopefully
in reply to Hubzilla Support Forum

Ok, thanks for the hint anway. Just to be sure: How does streams relate to hz?
in reply to Kristian


hmm... Mario did put it some time ago like this: streams is for HZ that what Sid is for Debian.
Think of streams as a slim avant-garde AP- ZOT / Nomad Server and of Hubzilla as a rich - mature and also more complex CMS system for the Fediverse.

find and try streams server here:

Pen² L reshared this.

in reply to Hubzilla Support Forum

(streams) doesn't have terribly many public instances, though. It's mostly intended for individuals to tinker with it and run their own instances, also since it's technically only a "fork me" code repository and not primarily intended to be installed and run vanilla.

The one public instance I know from the top of my head is currently on the wonky side, and the admin hasn't been spotted in a while.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland Thanks for reflecting that. 🙂 I'm ... well, to be honest, pretty torn with the amount of these tools at hand at the moment. Been with Mastodon and Friendica for quite a while now, the real "sweet spot" I see in Hubzilla actually is Nomadic Identity which seems to solve one core problem unsolved by all of the other platforms. (At the moment it seems this feature has to be "paid" for with, in example, being unable to import existing contacts... so still playing around and seeing how this works.)
in reply to Hubzilla Support Forum

In Streams, there is an optional addon app called "Followlist" which I have not tried. From the description:

"This app allows you to connect to everybody in a pre-defined ActivityPub collection or CSV file, such as follower/following lists. Install the app and revisit this page to input the source URL."

Source code is here:…

I don't know how easy that would be to modify for use with Hubzilla.

One of the challenges in finding a Streams server: they do not identify themselves as "Streams" in the Communities list. Mine identifies as "Bunny". :-) I think there are like 1½ public Streams servers at present: has been extremely wonky but seems to be working at the moment (and the admin has returned from wherever he was -- a barbershop, I believe). And allows new members, but doesn't publicize the fact, and has been running a bit behind on software updates.

Jupiter Rowland wrote:

It's mostly intended for individuals to tinker with it and run their own instances, also since it's technically only a "fork me" code repository and not primarily intended to be installed and run vanilla.

I've seen several people say this, and I don't agree. As a Fediverse server for macroblogging, it's a complete solution. It's not really a competitor of Hubzilla, though. It doesn't fit all the use cases that Hubzilla can handle (e.g., there's no wiki). But it is relatively easy for an inexperienced person to set up as a 1-to-5-person instance on inexpensive hosting. (Still untested: How would Streams perform with hundreds or thousands of users on a single instance?)

in reply to Bill Statler

@Bill Statler That helps getting a clearer idea. Thanks. Guess however I'll keep on playing with Hubzilla for now and seeing how far it gets me. Maybe sorting and reconnecting to just a few people isn't a bad idea either.